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11 -33kV Vacuum Circuit Breaker

Vacuum Circuit Breakers

Outdoor vacuum circuit breakers for three-phase alternating current are essential components in high-voltage outdoor power systems, renowned for their reliability and safety. Our circuit breakers offer various voltage and current ratings, suitable for diverse environments such as rural areas and high-altitude regions, resistant to extreme temperatures and corrosion.

Delixi emphasizes technological innovation to meet market demands, promoting teamwork and efficiency.  especially suited for rural grids. Equipped with controllers, they meet the requirements of distribution automation systems, ensuring reliable operation.

ZW20-12F outdoor high voltage vacuum demarcation circuit breaker serves as a watchdog switch for 12KV power distribution, preventing faults from spreading, ensuring safety, and enhancing reliability.

ZW20A-12 outdoor high-voltage AC vacuum circuit breaker for outdoor power distribution. Ideal for substations, industrial, mining, and rural grids. With controller, meets automation needs, ensures reliability.

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