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Power Distribution

  • YB6 Series Prefabricated 33kV Compact Substation (American Type)
  • YB6 Series Prefabricated 33kV Compact Substation (American Type)

YB6 Series Prefabricated 33kV Compact Substation (American Type)

YB series substation are suitable for 7.2kV and 12kV ring network power supply. 

YB series substation are suitable for 7.2kV and 12kV ring network power supply. For the double-power supply or terminal-power supply, they are working as the HV distribution calculation, compensation control and protection device. Inside the substation, except for the transformer, for HV side there are four-polar load switch, two­ polar load switch, backup protective fuse and plug-in fuse. For LV side there are control devices, distribution devices, compensation device and electric energy meter required by customers. YB series substation can be used for indoor or outdoor places, which are widely used in the industrial park, residential area, commercial center and tall buildings.

33kv compact substation is suitable for 7.2kV and 12kV ring network power supply. For the double-power supply or terminal-power supply, they are working as the HV distribution calculation, compensation control and protection device. Inside the substation, except for the transformer, for HV side there are four-polar load switch, two­ polar load switch, backup protective fuse and plug-in fuse. For LV side there are control devices, distribution devices, compensation device and electric energy meter required by customers. 33kv substation can be used for indoor or outdoor places, which are widely used in the industrial park, residential area, commercial center and tall buildings.

Model designation

Normal service condition

1 Altitude: ≤ 1000m
2 Wind pressure: ≤ 70bar ( around 35m/s )
3 Humidity: daily average < 95%, monthly average ≤ 90%
4 Environment temperature: + 40 ~-25℃
5 Quakeproof: horizontal accelerated velocity 0.4m/s2, vertical accelerated velocity 0.15m/s2
6 Earthquake: 8 grade
7 Installation gradient: ≤ 3°
8 Installation environment: the air is fresh without corrosion or flammability. No strenuous vibration


The structure is divided into two parts. The front part is HV & LV operation chambers. HV part includes HV terminal, load switch, no-load tap-changer voltage regulator, plug-in fuse, pressure relief, oil temperature gauge, oil level gauge and oil outlet valve. Besides, LV part includes LV terminal. The back part is oil tank and heat sinks, transformer windings & iron, HV load switch and protective fuse are sunk in the oil.

Performance characteristics

1 Small volume, compact structure, only 1/3 size of the substation with the same capacity in our country.
2 Fully sealed, totally- insulated, no insulating distance is required. It is reliable for human safety.
3 Can be not only used for ring network power supply, but also for terminal power supply. Easy for power converting, improve the power supply reliability.
4 Low loss, much lower than S9 series transformers in our country.
5 The cable connectors are able to work with 200A load current. It can be used as load switch with the function of disconnector in case of emergency.
6 Adopt double fuses for protection, decrease the operation cost. Plug-in fuse is double sensitive for temperature and current.

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